A Guide to the Equipment Used in Industrial Settings

These Guidelines Will Help You Select the Ideal Industrial Fan for Your Needs

Fans and blowers are an important component of any industrial building. They provide and accommodate massive flows of air and gases to various parts of the building. The flow of air is maximised by the size of the blades and the speed they are rotating at. The blades are connected together by a hub and driven by a turban. Therefore, the strength of the motor will also determine the amount of airflow from the fan. Since there are countless designs and specifications of fans in the market, sometimes it can be tough to make the right choice. However, the process will be simpler once you know what to look for. Here are the guidelines that will help you make the best choice.

The Fan Type

There are two main types of fans in the market: axial fans and centrifugal fans. Axial fans bring air in by making use of a propeller. They then push out the air in the same direction. On the other hand, centrifugal fans have a type of wheel that brings air into the building. The same air is driven out at an angle perpendicular to the entry direction. Before picking a fan type, you need to understand the airflow patterns inside your industrial buildings and determine the fan type which will work best for you.

Location of Air Ducts

The efficiency of your industrial fans will depend on how well you plan their installation. The first step in the installation is the creation of air ducts. Consider the total airflow expected. Airflow is typically measured in cubic metres of air per minute. The size of the building will come into play here. A professional in HVAC installation is the best person to help you weigh all these factors, and determine the ideal placement for your ductwork.

The Density and Static Pressure

The density of the air changes depending on humidity. When the air becomes denser, your fan will have a harder time pushing it. As a result, the motor will need more energy to run. Static pressure also affects the resistance that the fan will have when spinning through the air. The pressure is determined by the air moving through the pipes or ductwork.

These are factors to consider when installing industrial fans. If you are not sure which industrial fan would work for you, consult a professional. The expert will guide you through the process of assessing your needs and you will get the most appropriate fans.