A Guide to the Equipment Used in Industrial Settings

All There is to Know About Cutting Copper With a Plasma Cutter

Cutting metals is a manageable task for artisans and do-it-yourself enthusiasts. You can do the job using equipment such as hacksaws and still get the results you want. However, the physical qualities of some metals make it hard to use such a technique. You will not get a good cut and will spend lots of time cutting the pieces, especially when there are many of them. Copper is one of the metals that calls for special cutting techniques to achieve the best results. Plasma cutting is a good bet as it cuts through the material by employing accelerated jets of hot plasma. The material has to be electrically conductive for plasma cutting to be effective. The following piece discusses the things you need to know about plasma cutting for copper pieces:

Selecting the Plasma Cutter

Your success in cutting through sheets of copper starts with choosing the right equipment for the job. Several considerations must go into choosing the machine for this job. First, think about the frequency of use. Do you want to cut the copper in short spurts or for long hours? Ideally, you need a machine that can handle twice the thickness of the copper sheets without compromising the duration of use. It is best to consult your vendor on the capabilities of the cutter you want to buy before making a final decision.

The Workplace Needs Good Ventilation

Good ventilation is essential when using a plasma cutter to slice through sheets of copper. Copper emits lots of smoke when being cut because the material has high smoking temperatures. Therefore, when you use a plasma cutter to cut copper, the metal absorbs most of the heat from the cutter. It then releases smoke into the air around it, so you will need to work in a space with good ventilation. Consider using a breathable protective mask to shield you from the direct inhalation of the fumes.

Slow Down When Cutting

Copper is a soft metal. It falls in the same class of materials as aluminium. Therefore, you need to manage your pace when cutting copper with a plasma cutter to keep the edge from becoming messy. Execute the cut steadily and slowly. Allow the plasma cutter to work through the sheets on its own without forcing it to go too fast. This technique not only ensures efficiency but also allows you adequate time to blow off all the waste generated by the cut. Getting rid of the unwanted bits and pieces in time keeps them from creeping back into the area you want to cut, making the process more efficient.

Contact a company that offers copper cutting services to learn more.